Test results indicate that the dilation ratio of the strand exceeds that predicted by the Poison ratio alone. In addition to geometric and material characterization, five strands of each diameter (0.5, 0.6 and 0.7-in.) were tested to evaluate the Hoyer effect. In this thesis the bond behavior of 0.7-in. diameter strand prevent its wide use in bridge construction. Lack of data on the use, and particularly the bond behavior, of 0.7-in. diameter strands for precast prestressed girders. AASHTO bridge design and construction specifications do not specify the use of 0.7-in. This increase in prestressing force will theoretically permit longer span lengths, shallow girders or fewer girders across the width of a given bridge. diameter strand and 92% increase than 0.5-in.

diameter strand will allow 35% increase in prestressing force than 0.6-in. In prestressed concrete bridge girders, the use of 0.7-in.